Perfect Sleep

An encoded, energized & amplified audio track, specifically designed for a night of deep and refreshing sleep. Build in quantum signatures of delta waves, melatonin, stress release and specific codes from the Primal Rays of Creation, supporting a night of restful, safe & peaceful deep sleep.

Perfect Sleep

An encoded, energized & amplified audio track, specifically designed for a night of deep and refreshing sleep. Build in quantum signatures of delta waves, melatonin, stress release and specific codes from the Primal Rays of Creation, supporting a night of restful, safe & peaceful deep sleep.

The audio journey is a 20 minutes minimal soundscape, specially produced so it is not distracting from your sleep, and encoded with quantum signature with main components Delta Waves and Melatonin, plus divine codes from the Primal Rays of Creation. A deep audio track with unique energies, supporting a healthy good night's sleep. We added as well an audio loop in case you would like it to be playing all night long. Just choose which one you like to use for each day, 20 minutes of audio to dose off in a restful sleep, or keep the loop running continuously throughout the night.

We want to change the way things work by working with honesty and trust. We have put years of experience, research, and investments in our products and now it's time to trust in abundance equally for all where we can work in a mutual understanding and co-creation. If you want to integrate this divine product into your commercial or non-commercial project, please contact us. We can provide you with a silent version to fit into any digital or physical product, for example, print work, design, music, movie, meditation, and much more. You can take a look at some products already encoded with Divine Tools, clicking here.

Use comma for decimal separator, for example: 33,30€ 1,00

Use comma for decimal separator, for example: 33,30€1,00


This is a compressed sample, therefore, the energies in it are lower. Buy this product to have the full and strong version forever available for you!


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Divine Tools
Technologies and tools to improve your life, to accelerate your emotional, psychical, mental and spiritual growth.
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