Ayahuasca Energy Tool

Each Entheogen energy tool is made with the specific frequency of the native medicine. We capture with scalar wave technology the energy, amplify it with the Krystal Sequence over a few billion times and encode it into the music. Entheogens are not about visions but the connection with the medicine, they are made with our utmost respect and integrity.

Ayahuasca Energy Tool

Ayahuasca is the basis of traditional medicine practice for at least 75 different indigenous tribes across the Amazon region. Helps to release negative, fear-filled patterns that have built up over many years through a process of witnessing, integrating and releasing emotional traumas. This facilitates new perspectives on the overall biography of your life and the reasons for the various phases, difficulties and painful experiences. Shadow work is the key to discovering an overall greater sense of purpose, presence and peace in your life.

We offer you the possibility to decide the price. We want to change the way things work by working with honesty and trust, in this way you can pay what it is worth to you. We have put years of experience, research and investments in our products and now it's time to trust in abundance equally for all where we can work in a mutual understanding and co-creation. In case you want to integrate this divine product into your commercial or non-commercial project, please contact us. We can provide you a silent version so it can fit into any digital or physical product, for example, print work, design, music, movie, meditation and much more. You can take a look in some products already encoded with Divine Tools, clicking here.

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What is it?

After years of personal divine connection and growth, scientific and technological research and developments, we are now able to have breakthroughs in unique and amazing ways to your own emotional, physical, mental and spiritual growth.

Our Divine Technology is composed of three steps:

1. CAPTURING – With Divine Connection and Intent, we use specific scalar wave technologies to capture, amplify and encode the quantum signature of the object, substance, intention and codes.

2. AMPLIFICATION – We then run the recorded quantum field in a proprietary algorithm amplifying it with the Krystal Sequence over a few billion times.

3. ENCODING – Finally, we can now encode this amplified signature in a perfectly balanced state into any physical or digital content.

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