Ecstatic Union

Ecstatic Union


Together with visionary artist & healer Elie we created a one hour journey for you to become in Ecstatic Union. Divine Tools encoded this work of art and healing with amazing new divine codes and energies, together with the music will make this a journey into the deepest joyous part of self.

This music invites you to dive into the quintessence of the path of the Beloved. Whether it is symbolized by your love towards another being or by embracing the totality of who you are, or by remembering your divine connection with everything there is, it is always in an ecstatic state that the most profound unions are felt.

In a world where so many questions are left with no answers, where truth seems to be a never-ending quest, this music builds a bridge to the very core of the universe, reminding us that the highest wisdom can be felt but never be understood.

One moment, a sound, a sensation, and a miracle just happened: “I” feel life, and the whole universe dances as “I am”, forever, in an Ecstatic Union.

What energies are encoded into the music? Codes from Primal Rays of Creation “Love, Being you”, “Self Acceptance”, “Deep Heart Connection”, “Open & Honest Heart”, “Personal Power”, ‘Ultimate Healing Code” and “Peace Code”.


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